Equinox Musings

Hello Friends,

September 22nd is the equinox this year.

That means it is autumn here in the northern hemisphere, which is my favorite time of year. I love both equinoxes, actually—the solstices, too—but autumn is special.

First of all, I was born around this time of year. Second, for a nerdy, bookish, neurostrange child who read their way around the Summer Reading Challenge board at the library multiple times, it meant school supplies! More books! Studying things!

As an adult, I love the shortening days, and the shift in light. The cooler breezes. The promise of falling leaves and boots weather.

I use the equinoxes as a time to pause and take stock. What is important in my life? How much effort, time, and energy am I spending toward what is important? What needs to fall away? How can I slow down (for autumn) or speed up (for spring)?

Equinox is a time of equal day and night. It is a rare moment of balance. Slowing down inside, and taking several long, contemplative breaths reminds me that I have my own balance points.

Equanimity. A state of composure and feeling of centeredness even in the midst of upheaval.

Equanimity is a state that meditation or prayer, listening to music or dancing, or getting into the creative flow can induce.

Equanimity is something we can practice, but not something we can strive for. We practice around it, we learn to re-center, and sometimes? States of equanimity arrive.

Just like the equinox, we are balanced, if only for one moment in time.

Blessings of the gifts of this time of year, wherever you are.

wishing you well — Thorn

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T. Thorn Coyle

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