
T. Thorn Coyle

close up of a portion of two cut crystal lamps
Featured Post

Gifts from the Streets

Hello Friends, If you’ve read my newsletter for any length of time, or follow me on social media, you already know I’m all about going for walks and the small gifts I encounter: A rain drop on a rose petal. A friendly cat. Street art. Crows in flight. A fallen leaf… Well, a couple of weeks ago, the streets gifted me with lamps. One thing you may not know about me is that I love art and color and that is reflected in how I design interior spaces. I’ve collected art since I was a teenager, and...

dried leaf on concrete, half in sun, half in shadow

Hello Friends, September 22nd is the equinox this year. That means it is autumn here in the northern hemisphere, which is my favorite time of year. I love both equinoxes, actually—the solstices, too—but autumn is special. First of all, I was born around this time of year. Second, for a nerdy, bookish, neurostrange child who read their way around the Summer Reading Challenge board at the library multiple times, it meant school supplies! More books! Studying things! As an adult, I love the...

looking up at an industrial ceiling. large round skylight, wood slats and metal girders

Hello Friends, This week, I'm thinking about building. So many creatures build: Homes. Water systems. Food traps. Food storage. Family. Community. They build on purpose and inadvertently, just by living. Whole forests are seeded this way. We humans are no different. We build houses, machines, symphonies, gardens, networks, stories… a series of interactions with each other and the world. We destroy, too, like other creatures, but at a seemingly exponential rate. Trouble is, we often don’t...

Hello Friends, This morning, I glanced outside before sitting in meditation. After days of brutal heat and smoke haze, in which friends have been desperately trying to help those living on the streets? Clouds were gathering. I stepped outside to commune with the puffy shapes collecting water above me. I watched the crows, and listened to the chickadees, finches, and squirrels. Beneath the pale gray sky, I did some gentle stretching, then went inside to sit quietly and breathe as my tea water...

Hairspray Horror Hardback Book

Hello, This is one of my very rare and occasional extra email announcements! I should only send one of these out per quarter. If you're a fan of cozy mysteries, I've got two more adventures in my Pride Street series. There's a corgi sleuth, and a bunch of colorful characters I think you might enjoy! We're funded, and once we hit our next stretch goal, I'll be offering special hardcover editions along with digital and paperback rewards! You can check it out here: Pride Street on Kickstarter...

metal gate with round bubbles between the bars, set into a brick building

Hello Friends, This week, I’m thinking of patterns, whether they are random or intentional. Humans, it is said, are pattern seeking creatures. Noticing patterns is part of how we learn. We also assign meaning to certain patterns, though not others. I wonder why that is? We humans are also meaning making creatures. Unless we are nihilists, we like things to have meaning, sometimes even assigning meaning where there may not be one. And that’s okay. Patterns and meaning add structure to our...